29 Mar

GrubHub, UberEates, DoorDash, and BiteSquad are just a few delivery apps that have changed the way many people consider dining. These apps are easy to use and the food is delivered quick and timely. Using the apps certainly gives you more choices. You can have food delivered anytime and almost anywhere, but has the convenience come at a cost to the restaurants and customers.

Many restaurants owner have complained that using the apps hurt their bottom line. The cost to use the apps are a percentage of each food order. This in turn is passed on to the restaurant and customers. When you consider the rising cost of goods the app provider makes more because food prices increase.  With larger tickets or orders due to the rising food cost the app provider makes more because the percentage doesn't decrease, this undermines any advantages.

Whatever happened to restaurant having their own delivery drivers; the person you came to know from your favorite restaurant. The college kid paying his or her way through school or the mom or dad trying to make extra money.  Is this a thing of the past or should we revisit this.

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